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Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed

I merely stated my time to comments of 17 seconds ect and to show I have actually been to the track. I also helped a buddy with his 11 second truck and his dad's 8 second car.

I never said anything was easy, people took what I said and exaggerated.

I would like to give it a go. I have done 0-60 in 3 seconds before and I didn't particularly find it a challenge. It does take some getting used to the forces, but nothing a few runs don't solve =) To make myself clear, this is not saying I would have the experience to launch a funnycar competitively...

I would like the chance to find out if I could =) I think in my current fitness though I would probably black out at the line with the 5g launch hehe. Those 5g's turn into about a 1G at the end of the run.

The whole point I was trying to make is that time differences at the end of the track are mainly down to the mechanics tinkering with the car setup for weather conditions, trying to get the best launch out of the car. The driver still has their hands full, there is massive amounts of torque steer, but it's not the driver controlling the launch traction so much as the setup.

Sure there is a driver component, but it's not like circuit racing where the driver is modulating the throttle to stay in traction limits. Drag racers simply don't have the time to react. It takes the brain .5 seconds to react to anything, by then the launch is done and they are holding on for the finish.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Take it 'jailbreaking' is the new term for cracking the OS?
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Hehe it was hard enough to get in and out when Renualt had their free day there! There would need to be improvements to the roads for sure. They are small and winding.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
'Points to "Off Topic" section in LFS.

I dont see anyone complaining about all the racing threads You all seriously need to stop attacking people. At least it's about CARS! I see tons of OT stuff that has nothing to with with cars OR racing.

I would have to say the Pinto. I don't think blowing up is a design feature.
Last edited by Christopher Raemisch, .
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Looks fine to me. That long sweeper will give for some interesting racing I think.

If you look closely you can see the the club layout(s) I count the ability to have at least 4 different configs.
Last edited by Christopher Raemisch, .
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :That's actually quite low, especially when you consider a Jammy Dodger has 85 calories (although you cant have one, a whole strip of 8 is 680 calories) and Jaffa Cakes just 45 per biscuit (lightweight biscuit wonna-be's).

Low, but your probably mummifying your insides by eating one.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I never found twinkies to be that great tbh, they have a weird taste. It seems to me the only purpose of them is to pack as much obesity into a mouthful as is humanly possible for no other purpose than to enable us to enact our god given right to take up 3 seats on an aeroplane with one buttock cheak.

No they are not the best and I don't like them, just silly talk about junk food. Don't forget ho-ho's and ding-dongs.

FYI twinkies have 150 calories almost 1/2 that of a snickers or Mars bar.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
How dare you say something that Becky

Can't say I disagree about making some phonecalls, but thats Sam's ballpark to play in. I am sure there is more to it than that... Sam is worried about making too much of a commitment, if money is involved then a level of QoS has to be agreed to. But then maybe that QoS would be attainable if the incentive was there, I donno.

I do know that it's difficult for me to find the time between my little Daughter,work,and degree to support CTRA much.

Dustin your not old enough to watch anything above rated G, your incriminating yourself. =P
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :But we are guided by the one true biscuit! And 1 Jammy Dodger is at least equal to 4 Jaffa cakes on the 'was it good for you scale'. And all 16 where in a single sitting, I couldnt help it it was one of those double packets and it would not reseal.

These things are like eat twinkies! Never really liked jaffacakes or jammy dodger, but I would have to agree that a Jammy dodger is worth more than a Jaffacake!

well at least they don't have a shelf life of something like 10 years a twinkie does...
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :I can't believe anyone took that suggestion seriously...

Well I didn't know which way you meant I was hoping you were joking, but... Connotation isn't something that comes across well in text and you didn't use smilies or the like to show that you were making a total farce. Maybe I should take everything I read a joke unless someone puts a :sleep2: before everything they are saying that is serious.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Hey, Just don't go find the OTHER Pirates movie.

Hehe I don't wan't to know which pirate you are refering to =P Say no more Dustin, I am sure the British armada will eventually find your pirate treasure.
Last edited by Christopher Raemisch, .
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Hehe wait until you do the event before you say that

It's fun getting together with people, but his setup isn't much more than a glorified projector setup. He wants motion simulators, but he would need some serious investment to bring those in.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Ahh cool, I didn't know it was a competition in Autosport, I always thought it was because Tristan won the Mono2000 championship in his Reynard.

Getting closer to being able to go, only 3 more peopel need to drop out =) I have not raced LFS properly in about a year IIRC =(
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
The problem with giving admins points is it undermines the whole 'point' of collecting points in the first place (which is to provide some type of measure over experience and competence controlling a simulated vehicle). Admittidly I have already asked for this, but I agree with the reason for not allowing it. This is the same reason why there cannot be a bonus added to certian servers on certian days in attempts to increase their usage.

I could live with your idea Dustin, but I think the costs are just barely covered by the people who are currently using it and a reduction in the number of people paying in would mean others would have to pay more, and I highly doubt anyone else is willing to put more cash down than they have to, especially since some of the people paying are not admins. Which reminds me, I need to cough up some dough for the last couple months

Highlighting poor drivers is not a responsible thing to do. Some people would intenionally try to get on highlights. And besides, why should people be put on a pedistal for doing something wrong? The last thing these people need is public attention, maybe then the behaviour might change.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
I know I haven't raced in LFS for a while now. I don't think I have completed more than 10 races in the last 12 months... Nevermind the fact that I haven't been active doing reports for a while now either...

Completing reports will quickly kill your fun of LFS. I wouldn't suggest volunteering. There is already a decent group of admins, but for one reason or another we have all been burned out by the reports.

Ideally there should be an incentive to complete reports for admins. They are time consuming and tedious. But few people like the idea of being able to upload banners into LFS and have been critized IIRC, which would give the needed incentive to boost CTRA into the next stage of the project and make it a viable tool for product promotion, which virtually NEEDS to happen to bring in the needed funds to support the project fully, and professionally, unless someone in LFS has some funds stashed someplace to fund a couple people fully to operate, manage, and develop =)

Thank you Sam for keeping your head in CTRA as much as you have, especially when other admins, like myself, have moved away from CTRA a bit. I have legitimate reasons, but still, it's left you hanging with a massive project.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Only if you can spawn snipe Jak out every round!

That and take care of Sam's frekken mines!
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :If the car has enough power it shouldn't be a problem.

Kinda, it will want to keep changing gear though on let offs and again when the power is applied.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Dont worry i'm the friendly non murdering type . On a different note I might be getting two mates to come down with me so we could pick you up on the way. If they dont come then I still need a lift.

Hehe thats good to hear!

If I am able to go I will be driving. I haven't had a chance to get on the road for a while in my car and want to see how my MPG has changed since the new o2 housing and 3" exhaust.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :"Some nutter in a crap car was shouting something about that turn being just like the one on Flackwood Barrycross on Need for Speed or something, then crashed. I was just parked on the side of the road seeing if there were any good DVD's to steal in the post." - Postman

Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from BigPeBe :For what I know MAP sensors are very common with turbo cars. Dunno about modern stock cars, but ie. Cossies use MAP sensor and usually when tuning turbo engine with aftermarket ECU, a MAP sensor is very common. IE. my current N/A Pinto engine has stock ECU with MAF, but if I'm going some day to different ECU (Megasquirt) and turbo I'm getting rid of the MAF and going to use MAP instead. I'm not even sure if common aftermarket ECUs are able to read MAF sensors properly.

Yeah your right, it's the other way around They do the same thing, get them confused =(
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Tough luck, how fast were you going? I see it's on a bend, that didn't help. On top of that it looks like the hedges start getting higher just at the bend so you really couldn't see oncoming traffic =(

Least you are alright, that could have gone much worse.

It's always a good idea to stick to the main roads when the weather is poor. Someone else is usually bound to find the ice before you then! They are better maintained too and they would have probably been gritted, saying that for all I know your GF lives in a village with only single tracks going to it =)
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Osco :how are those 2 90 degree bends beneficial to exhaust flow?
3" is nice tho the SRT4 is quite a decent car for a FWD

Well it's a bit bend, but not quite 90 degrees. The factory exhaust was 2.25 bent in the same configuration. They had to route the exhaust back up and around the rear control arms, there is no other place to run it. It doesn't help that there is a cat and muffler in the system either =) You are right, they don't help, but it's 3 inches for an i4. There are V8's out there that don't run that large of an exhaust =)

Ideally I would have gone with the sidepipes, but not with a baby in the car.

Still, between the housing and exhaust I should gain 10-15 HP and 10-15 ft-lbs. I get a better spool now too and holds longer. In the higher revs I was dropping to 8-9 PSI, now it holds around 11 after the 14PSI that kicks in at around 2200. The ECU regulates the boost so HP remains fairly constant so drivability is better from day to day. If I would have gone with their single straitpipe I could see gains of almost 25HP, but need a cat for emissions, and a muffler for noise sooo....

It's a nice cheap car with a great engine. I have the ACR so I have a great suspension too, if only still cheap. Never know the difference though when you see Porshe's in your rear view mirror =) Insurance is dirt cheap too. Ideally I would have gone with something more 'advanced' but a big (for an i4) engine and struts this car is great.

Resale value is showing it too, you can't hardly get ACR's now for less than they were new and the standard SRT4's haven't dropped that much in price either.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from RedCoupe :Heel toe is just a name. Depending on the person and pedals people do it all different ways, even not using the heel at all and just the left side of your foot on brake and the right side on gas.

Thats how I do it, though I do get problems sometimes of increasing the brake pressure on top of trying to blip.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
3" o2 Housing
Full 3" exhaust with Magnaflow Muffler and hi-flow cat.

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Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Hehe, better yet maybe their car should have an ECU that can cope with it =P But if your going atmospheric your not really thinking with performance in mind...
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Hehe, mine came loose too, lock-tite FTW.